MBA Bachelor and Bachelorette
The Candr Conversations Podcast
Nominate yourself, your classmates, friends and crush!
Podcast Information

Navigating the dating scene in business school is tricky. After running MBA Blind Love for over 3,000 users, we received a lot of requests from users asking for stories about other people's experiences. That's when we decided to start our own podcast.

We are asking for nominations from our fellow classmates and we'll follow them through their journey as they meet matches over the phone.


All participants will remain anonymous, and their voices will be changed to hide their identities. At the end of the season, they can choose to reveal their identities, just like we do it with the emails.

Join us on this exciting journey as we navigate the adventurous dating scene of business school!

Have ideas? Want to help? 

If you have any suggestions or ideas, we'd love to hear them! Please fill out the form below and we'll reach to you.

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