Sign Up for Our Beta Launch! 

You have been with us through the pandemic, quarantine, and major political and social changes that our generation probably will see. We started off with a message on Wharton Slack and now have users throughout more than 30 US Business Schools! And we are developing and moving forward driven by the support of the MBA Community. 

Since May, we have created thousands of connections by providing the platform for candid conversations. 

Today we have probably the most exciting news to announce - our MBA Blind Love Web App is almost ready! And we are turning again to you, our co-founders. We are asking you to contribute to our development again and join our beta-testing group.

How is the Web App Better?

We have incorporated a lot of your feedback and rolling out a few exciting features in the new, improved product:  


  • Don't have to sign up every round 

  • Ditch your anonymous email - you will not have to use an anonymous email anymore - all communication will be through the new Blind Love platform email relay technology, just like how craigslist works. 

  • Access your matching history - from your profile page on the platform

How the Beta-Testing Experience Will Look Like

As a beta-testing group, you will be the first to get access to the new MBA Blind Love experience. The test will be run for a few weeks and not everything will be perfect but we hope to:


  • Get your feedback on every stage of your journey and improve the product

  • That you will be active on the platform - initiating and responding to the conversations to test comprehensive MBA Blind Love Experience  

  • You will work together with us sharing your ideas on how we can make Blind Love experience better

Here's a Sneak Peak

We are also in the process of rebranding MBA Blind Love as Candr!

Sign up to join the beta testing group!

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